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Because you are traumatized.

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Q: Where does the name traumatic brain injury came from?
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What is the medical term for the bruising of brain tissue as a result of a head injury?

intracranial injuryTraumatic Brain injury is usually called just that, unless it affects only a portion of the brain. In example, Broca's Aphasia, or difficulty in speaking, has been associated with frontal damage

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Name the disease of the nervous system that affects the muscular system- shaking ( tremors)?

More than one neurological disorder can involve tremors. Parkinsons is probably the best known. It can also be a result of multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, drug side affects, etc.

If you crashed your 4WD into a tree without seat belts on and drove away should you be worried about your mental well-being?

If you crashed your 4WD into a tree without seat belts on and drove away, yes, you should be worried about your mental well being. The above example is a scenario in which Tramatic Brain Injury is caused. Damage to the brain resulting from external mechanical force, such as rapid acceleration or deceleration, or impact can cause "shearing" of the brain tissue. The initial injury can present as a mild concussion to a more disabling traumatic brain injury. This injury may not present until hours or days after the incident, so being "worried" or seeking medical help is appropriate. TBI is usually the name given to the brain injury which is sustained *not* from penetration of the skull or brain, but from the rapid acceleration, deceleration or impact, such as in Shaken Baby Syndrome, another cause of TBI, which can be fatal. August 9, 2009 related link:

What is the name of the injury to the brain when there is a blood clot?

The common term for a brain injury caused by blood clotting or blockage is 'stroke'. A stroke occurs because the brain is not receiving the oxygen it needs to function. Even a few seconds without blood can be extremely damaging and possibly fatal.

What are the prognoses of a mild brain injury?

Many minor brain injuries will heal naturally with help from doctors. The patient can suffer from dizziness, poor concentration, depression and blurred vision to name just a few.

What is brain dysfunction?

As the name suggests brain dysfunction means conditions where the brain is not functioning properly. It may be damage to the brain due to prolonged labour causing cerebal palsy, or due to illness and infection, head injury, stroke causing paralysis, senile dementia, personality and psyhiatric disorders, all will be known as brain dysfuntion

Who created the name brain information?

who created the name of 'brain'

What is causing post traumatic stress disorders in the military?

Post traumatic disorders, like the name suggests, occur after a person has experiences a traumatic experience. American soldiers are often faced with life and death situations that are incredibly stressful, making them at risk for disorders.

What is the name of the psychological disorder that affects war veterans?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

What phobia is the fear of injury?

Traumatophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of injury

Is Post traumatic Stress Disorder a mood disorder or anxiety disorder?

PTSD is an emotional disorder brought about by unresolved trauma, both physical and emotional. It is possible that there are somatic issues as well, but this is still under investigation. For now, it is what the name implies: a disorder that makes it impossible for people to live normal emotional lives without treatment.