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nelson science textbook grade 9

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Q: Where does the other energy go when the energy reaching earth is absorbed and convented to chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis?
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Most of the solar energy reaching planet Earth and its atmosphere is absorbed by what?

earths surface

The solar radiation least absorbed by the layers of the atmosphere before reaching Earth is?

visible light

What happens when radiation reaches earth's surface?

90% of radiation reaching the surface of the earth is absorbed! and 10% is reflected into space.

What is the chemical that blocks most of the ultraviolet light from reaching earth?

Ozone (o3)

If the amount of oxygen reaching the log is reduced what happens to the rate of this chemical reaction?

the rate decreases

What part of the solar energy reaching the earth is absorbrd by plants and trapped by chlorophyll?

They are the blue and red frequencies of visible light. Green is not absorbed much

What percent of radiation is lost before reaching Earth suface?

25% is absorbed by clouds.25% is reflected by clouds.So 50% of the sun's radiation is lost before it reaches earth's surface.See the diagram link below.

What happens to the neurotransmitter once it is released?

Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft to bind to the receptor on the muscle or next nerve.It is then broken down and absorbed back into the nerve.NovaNET answer: quickly destroyed..........Good Luck :)

The major portion of which form of solar radiation is absorbed as it passes through the atmosphere with only a tiny fraction of the original amount reaching the surface of the earth?

ground radiation

What gives the gray color to the cell body areas?

The amount of light passing through that's reaching your eye or the amount of electrons being absorbed. Depends on the microscope.

What percent of radiation is lost after reaching earth. Surface?

25% is absorbed by clouds and atmosphere.25% is reflected by clouds.45% is absorbed by the earth's surface.5% is reflected by ice and snow on the earth's surface.So 5% is "lost", that is, reflected back into space.See the diagram link below.

What factors can limit photosynthesis by being either too high or too low?

Photosynthesis can be limited by light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, and temperature. Temperature must be at an optimum level in order to achieve the best results, while increasing light and carbon dioxide levels both increase the rate of photosynthesis until reaching a plateau. At very high levels, light will damage chlorophyll and reduce the rate of photosynthesis.