

Where does the peasant live?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Where does the peasant live?
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What would a medieval peasant live in?

a pig 43235tgfvrhdjnfg

What did it look like in a peasant's home?

they were amazing and i live in one

What is a peasant's village?

Where all the peasants live, they lived together. They had no choice.

How long did the average peasant live?

I would say about 25 years

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a peasant hut with one room

Look at Bruegel's Peasant Wedding. This painting focuses on?

the live of ordinary people

How and where did the peasant farmers live?

ANCIENT CHINA Peasant farmers families, lived in simple houses made of mud, wood, and vegetable fibers, located near the fields they cultivated.

What is the difference from a serf and a peasant?

A peasant worked the land, but had freedom. A serf was bound to the land that they worked. They would live on the manor of a noble and work the land in exchange for food and protection.

How did a peasant become a peasant in the middle ages?

In most cases a peasant became a peasant by default. If the parents where peasants the child was also a peasant.

Why would a peasant want to live in a town?

Towns had a greater variety of things to do than the manorial villages. A villein or peasant might also have had skills that could not be used on a manor, but which were in demand in a town.

What was a peasant's home?

A peasant

How was life as a Mayan noble different from a Mayan peasant?

the became friends and live forever and ever