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Q: Where does the potassium go in the potassium iodide catalyst reaction with hydrogen peroxide?
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Why is there no colour change when hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide reacts?

Potassium Iodide, is a catalyst and so remains unchanged in the reaction. The hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen, both of which are colorless.

Which reaction produces more pure oxygen which is not united with other elements solid potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution with C12H22O11?

Potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide produces more pure oxygen than potassium permanganate solution with C12H22O11.

Does hydrogen peroxide lose its strength?

Hydrogen peroxide decomposes through a thermodynamically favourable reaction: 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 The rate of this reaction increases with temperature and depends on factors like its concentration, pH and the prescence of a catalyst. Thus, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide can decompose when stored under unfavourable conditions.

Why are catalysts important in chemical reaction?

Catalysts are important in chemical reactions because they change the rate of a chemical reaction. However, catalysts themselves are not actually a reactant of a reaction. For example, magnesium oxide is a catalyst to hydrogen peroxide, which speeds up the rate that hydrogen peroxide decomposes.

What substance increases the rate of a reaction but is not itself changed by the reaction?

It's called a catalyst. A catalyst is present during a chemical reaction but does not participate as a reactant or product. A catalyst lowers the reaction's activation energy, making the reaction easier to happen. In the equation for a chemical reaction, the catalyst's formula appears in small notation above the "yield" arrow (format won't let me show you an example.) An example of a catalyst is potassium iodide (KI) speeding up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

Which reaction produces more pure oxygen which is not united with other elements solid potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide or solid potassium permanganate with Sulfuric acid with H2O2?

The reaction that produces more pure oxygen which is not united with other elements is solid potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide rather than solid potassium permanganate with sulfuric acid with H2O2.

Example of a catalyst?

patassium permagenate is a catalyst for hydrogen peroxide breaking it inot water and oxygen

Why does red hair fade in when you are in the sunlight?

The suns heat is a catalyst for a chemical reaction that bleaches. Molecules in air combine to create an oxidizing reaction, like hydrogen peroxide.

What is the word equation for hydrogen peroxide manganese dioxide?

Actually, manganese dioxide is a catalyst that speeds up the reaction but does not get consumed in the reaction and is not part of the reactants or products

Detail of reaction between sodium sulphite and hydrogen peroxide?

reaction betwen sodiumbisulphite and hydrogen peroxide

What will happen when potassium iodide react with hydrogen per oxide?

This reaction decomposes Hydrogen peroxide into Water and Oxygen: Here is the stepwise process:1> Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the Potassium iodide into another salt called Potassium Hypoiodite, and itself gets reduced to water.H2O2 + KI----> KIO + H2O2>This salt is quite unstable and rapidly reacts with Hydrogen peroxide. Here the Peroxide ions disproportionates into Oxide ions and Molecular Oxygen gas.H2O2 + KIO ----> KI + H2O + O2So the overall reaction an be written as:H2O2 --KI--> H2O + O2

What type of reaction does catalase do?

Catalase is an enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide