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At the Tropic of Capricorn.

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At the equator at noon on the equinoxes.

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Q: Where does the sun most directly overhead?
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The sun is most directly overhead near the what?

The sun is most directly overhead near the equator. This happens during the equinoxes where the sun is directly above the equator, resulting in near-vertical rays at noon.

The sun is most directly overhead near the?


Why is the mid day sun most dangerous?

When the sun is directly overhead, the sunlight is most intense.

Is the sun directly overhead in the equator?

Not always. The sun is directly overhead at the equator at the spring and fall equinoxes.

The sun is directly overhead at 23.5 degrees north latitude in?

The sun is directly overhead at the summer solstice at the Tropic of Cancer (23.5oN). This is as the most northernly latitude which has the sun directly overhead at any time of the year. A similar case happen at the winter solstice at the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5oS).

Which circle of latitude describes the most northerly latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead at noon?

The Tropic of Cancer ... roughly 23.5 degrees north ... is the most northerly latitude where the sun can ever appear directly overhead.

When are the sun's rays most directly over one of the topics?

At either of the tropics the sun's rays are most directly overhead at mid-day in mid summer.

When is the sun directly overhead here in Levittown NY?

The sun is never directly overhead in Levittown, NY, as it lies above the Tropic of Cancer.

When is the sun directly overhead in queensbury ny?

The sun can never be directly overhead anywhere in New York state ... or anywhere in the USA for that matter. The highest it can ever appear is at noon on June 21. But in order to ever see it directly overhead, you have to be located within 23.5 degrees of the equator.

What is the name of the location on the surface of the earth that receives insolation when the sun is directly overhead?

When the Sun is directly overhead (at zenith) the point below it is called nadir.

Why isn't the sun overhead at noon in Texas?

It never is overhead at noon because Texas is not in the northernmost point where the sun passes directly overhead at noon.

What Continent that never has the sun directly overhead?
