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It comes from the breakdown of radioactive atoms at the very center of the Earth. p.s.if you like tacos gimme a holla!

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Q: Where does the thermal energy to melt Earth's inner rock come from?
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What does the earths internal thermal energy come from?

From radioactivity in the Earth's interior.

Where does thermal energgy come from?

Thermal energy comes from sun. It is a source of heat energy.

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Were does geothermal energy come from?

it comes from earths interior heat

Where does energy earths most come from?

Directly or indirectly from the sun

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Were does the energy come from that evaporate water on the earth?

This is thermal radiation of the Sun.

When a paper is burned what type of energy is that and where does it come from?

Chemical energy changes to thermal and radiant energy (heat and light).

How do you use thermal energy daily?

We use thermal energy daily for activities such as cooking food, heating water for bathing, and keeping our homes warm during colder months using heating systems. It is also used in various industrial processes to generate electricity, produce steam for manufacturing, and in transportation for powering vehicles.

Where does all of the earths energy come from?

From a close star called the sun

Where does thermal energy come from when a fire fighter slides down a pole?

The thermal energy comes from the friction between the firefighter's hands and the pole as they slide down quickly. This friction creates heat due to the resistance between the surfaces in contact, which warms up the pole.

How come you olny get a fraction light energy from the sun?

Some bounces off you and some turns into thermal energy.