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In swamps and/or marshes. AKA- wetlands.

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Q: Where does the three- toed box turtle live?
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How long do three toed box turtles live for?

Three toed Box Turtles can be kept as pets. It depends on how well you take care of it. If you take really good care of it, it could live for years.

What do three toed box turtles eat?

Nothing really!! <---- Terrible Answer Three-toed box turtles eat a variety of food including mealworms, strawberries, carrots, red-leaf lettuce, gree-leaf lettuce, romaine letuce, grasshoppers, worms, fish, and dandelions. If you feed a three-toed box turtle anything from nature such as dandelions or insects, make sure that there are no pesticides being used in the environment in which you got the food from. Raising mealworms is a fairly easy process and you can find extensive videos on how to breed them on youtube. Um. . . I recommend having a 50/50 diet with protein and fruits and vegetables but I'm no expert. I do know, however, that as turtles mature they tend to eat more vegetables and fruits than insects or fish. All this info pertains to three-toed box turtles based on what I have learned and you should always consult a local expert for more advice if you want to raise the turtle properly. These turtles make great pets and its usually better to get a captive bred rather than wild three-toed box turtle.

How big do Box turtles get in Kansas?

The only box turtles indigenous to Kansas are the Ornate box turtle and the Three toed box turtle. They both grow to an adult shell length of 6 inches. The biggest box turtles are Gulf Coast box turtles (not in Kansas) and they can grow to 8 inches or more in length. To answer your question, the state they are in has no affect on how big they grow so if you put a gulf coast box turtle in Kansas it can still grow to 8 inches or more.:-)

Where can you get a live box turtle?

you can get a box turtle at pet stores and there is a place called Miskito lagoon

How long do box turtle live?

box turtles live about 50 to 70 years

Where do Box Turtle live?

box turtles live underground. they have sharp nails for digging

Where Eastern box turtle live?

North Carolina

What is the habitat of box turtles?

Habitat varies a little because in total, there are approximately 14 subspieces of box turtles...These are the most common:Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina)Gulf Coast Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina major)Three-toed Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis),Florida Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina bauri)Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata)Desert Box Turtle (Terrapene ornate luteola)And these two in MexicoCoahuilan Box Turtle (Terrapene coahuila) ---->Spotted Box Turtle (Terrapene nelsoni)The most common of these is the Eastern Box turtle which requires a high humid environment - in hot and dry weather they dig in and put their head in the ground or stay under heavy foliage where humidity is higher at ground surface. Contrary to some popular opinion they do not do well in arid or hot environments but prefer moderate temps and lots of shade and hiding places..some of the other species can tolerate drier environments.

What eats a eastern box turtle?

thier poor because they live in a box

Does the American box turtle live in the rainforest?

Turtles do live in rainforests

Can a box turtle live with an anole?

They require different habitats, so no. Also the box turtle would probably eat the anole if it had the chance.

Can a snapping turtle and a box turtle have babies?

I would have to say NOOOOO!! snappers are aggressive and bit a lot and get much BIGGER than box turtles.also box turtles are land turtles and snappers are almost fully aquatic