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The umbilical cord enters the fetus via the abdomen, at the point which (after separation) will become the umbilicus (or navel). Within the fetus, the umbilical vein continues towards thetransverse fissure of the liver, where it splits into two. One of these branches joins with the hepatic portal vein (connecting to its left branch), which carries blood into the liver. The second branch (known as the ductus venosus) allows the majority of the incoming blood (approximately 80%) to bypass the liver and flow via the left hepatic vein into the inferior vena cava, which carries blood towards the heart. The two umbilical arteries branch from the internal iliac arteries, and pass on either side of the urinary bladder before joining the umbilical cord.
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Q: Where does the umbilical cord go after it enters the baby's body?
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Why would an unborn babys life be in danger if the umbilical cord was damaged?

Yes, because the umbical cord is the source of babys nutrition and circulation.

Where is the umbilical cord found in the body and what is it used for?

The umbilical cord is not present in the body at all times. It is formed as the baby inside a pregnant woman develops. The umbilical cord is used to transfer nutrients from the mother to the child.

What side of the body is the umbilical cord?

The front.

What is the tube which attaches the embryo to the placenta called?

The umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has the function of sending blood to the baby and returning blood from the baby after it has been utilized. There are two arteries in the umbilical cord that do this.

Does the umbilical cord slide back up once its cut?

No. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which is the sack that the baby grows in. After giving birth, the placenta and the umbilical cord leave the body through the vagina.

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What if your baby pulls on his umbilical cord?

Actually it's impossible... You can read more about the umbilical cord here: <a href=""></a>

What connects embryo to mother?

not sure what you mean by "which of these" but the umbilical cord connects the embryo to the mother.

The tube that carries food and oxygen from mother to baby is the cord?

Umbilical cord.

Why cow has umbilical cord showing?

Calves will show an umbilical cord until it has dried and fell off, it is simply just the length that is left over until it has dried so no infection enters the belly button. This is the same as human babies.

What happens to a baby that drinks beer?

Uhh...Why are you giving your baby beer?? If you are, it kills brain cells and can damage the brain. Ok, stop giving the baby beer. stupid idea.

Why is the umbilical cord necessary?

The placenta has the job of taking everything from your body that the baby needs (ie: oxygen from the blood, nutrients, etc) and filters it out... the umbilical cord carries these 'needs' to the baby so he/she can grow healthy :)