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Soaks into the ground or back to the ocean.

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Q: Where does the water from a tsunami go?
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What should not be done after tsunami?

never go by the water after a tsunami.

How you know when a tsunami is coming?

the tide will go out unnusally far causing the water to go very shallow

What is the term for an water wave created by an earthquake?

its called a tsunami

What are the steps of a tsunami?

Tsunami do not have steps, they are a water wave.

What are tsunami's made of?

Yes. A tsunami consists of large waves or surges of water.

What happens as a tsunami approaches shallow water near a harbour?

when a tsunami enters shallow water there is imediate danger that a tsunami is about to strike...!!(: ENJOY.

How far does the water normally go out before a tsunami?

It usually goes out about 5-8 Metres

What is a flood that occurs when a wall of water?

It is called a tsunami

Why does the water level rise after tsunami?

An under water earthquake precedes a tsunami. Earthquake causes seismic waves which set up the water in motion with a large force. This causes a tsunami.

How is a flood and a tsunami different?

A flood is a lot of water. A tsunami is a big wave. A tsunami can cause a flood.

What is the effect of the response during tsunami alert?

people died and they will go with the water so they can't do anything.....

Is the tsunami wave stronger than the hurricane?

Yes, the tsunami wave is stronger than the hurricane. The tsunami wave is a huge pile of water that can travel on land like one of the tsunami wave hit the states of Hawaii on march 11, 2010 off the west coast of the United States after Japan earthquake. Hurricanes are strong enough to blow houses, vehicles and boats away but then have to go back to the water to get more strength but the tsunami wave just continue traveling without having to go back to the water. The tsunami wave is much stronger than the hurricane and it is big enough to crush the whole entire building.