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Xylem gets water from the roots of a plant

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Q: Where does the xylem get water?
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Related questions

What is trasported by the xylem?

Water is transported by the xylem.

What does a xylem cell do?

Xylem cells carry water and nutrients from the roots to other parts of a plant.

What is the tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals from the root to the stem and leaves?

The Xylem tissue transports water and nutrients from the roots.

Long tubes that transport water from the roots to the leaves?

it's called "xylem" your welcome

Why it is called as xylem vessel but not xylem cell?

Because xylem is a vessel that water travels through.

What brings food and water to your cells?

.food is carried by phloem and water is carried by xylem.

What are the tubes called in plants the carry water into the plant?

This is the vascular tissue xylem.

What tissue transports water through a plant?

Xylem cells are responsible for supplying water to all parts of the plant. They make up the xylem tube which transports water, but then they die. So the xylem tube which is made up of dead xylem cells is responsible for transport of water in the plant.

What is xylem flow in plants?

Xylem transports water throughout the plant.

Which is transport in the xylem of a plant?

The Xylem of a plant transports water and some nutrients.

What are elements of xylem that help in transport of minerals and water?

the elements are :- tracheids, vessels xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma.

Does root pressure move water a long distance up the xylem because of the higher water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells?

No. Root pressure can move water a short distance up the xylem because of the lower water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells