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The term 'Prevernal' can refer to the transition from winter to spring in any context or situation, but has lent it's name most usefully and securly to an ecological season or subseason that forms this transition. The prevernal or pre spring season is not calendar based like the astronomical seasons depicted on most calendars, so it has no fixed astronomical or calendar dates. Being an ecological season, it's beginning and end dates are determined by climatological and biological trends that very from one climatological region to another and even from year to the next in the same location. In cool temperate climates, the arrival of the 'prevernal' season is marked by consistent melting of snow left over from winter, and in some areas, the appearance of crocus flower and a few other hardy early spring flowers that can coexist with melting snow covers. Once the snow has melted and a larger variety spring flowers like the daffodils and tulips begin to bloom, then the ecological season has changed to the 'vernal season' or 'spring growing season'. Ecologists also recognize an 'estival' season' (high summer) when most flowers are in peak bloom, followed by a late summer 'seritonal season' when many summer flowers start to fade. The 'autumnal season' sees deciduous trees shedding their leaves in great numbers, and by winter, ('hibernal season') most plant activity has ended until the return of the prevernal season which can be as early as late January/early February in mild temperate climates, or a late as April or May in cool temperate regimes. The prevernal or pre spring ecological season has no equivalent in the astronomical or calendar based seasons. However, even those that do, like the vernal and autumnal seasons, have start and end dates that vary between climate or ecological regions because they are defined by local rather than hemispheric conditions that dictate the calendar seasons on a "one size fits all" basis. Because of the flexible dating and the differing criteria used, the ecological seasons can number as many as six in a year compared to only four on the calendar.

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