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Q: Where find a rat mouth in Maplestory?
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Why is boca raton the rats mouth?

In Spanish "boca" means mouth and "raton" means rat. In actuality the phrase would have to be "boca de el raton," or "mouth of the rat" (rat's mouth) in order to be correct.

What are rats diet?

I have a pet domestic rat, and i have yet to find anything he WON'T eat. So, in answer to your question their diet is EVERYTHING

What part of the rat's mouth in getting or eating the food?

mouth and teeth

What does ratoning mean?

Spanish for "Rat's Mouth"

Where do you find robos in Maplestory?

At Ludi

How do you teach a rat to kiss?

Put your rat's FAVORITE treat in your mouth. Then if your rat trys to take the treat from your mouth then don't let go of the treat. When your rat licks the treat give it to him/her. Do this many times until your rat gets the idea. Then sometimes your rat might lick your mouth in hopes of a treat. (This will not work with wild rats. Wild rats will most likely bite you. If they bite you then you could get infected by a desees that a wild rat might carry.)

Where do you find a mushroom in Maplestory?

pretty much anywere in maplestory near hennnesys..... many places

What is the highest decibel level a rat can emit?

The decibel level of a rat depends on the measurig distance to the rat. The closer you are to the mouth of the rat the louder the noise you can measure will be.

Why is the mouth of a rat referred to as subterminal?

Because it just is

What does a pet rat's mouth always in motion?

the toungue

What does Bocca Raton mean?

Spanish for "Rat's Mouth"

Where does chemical digestion begin in the rat?

Like human, the chemical digestion of food begins in the mouth of the rat.