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Q: Where glycerol is absorbed in the digestive tract?
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Excess water is absorbed in which part of the digestive tract?

Excess water is absorbed in the large intestine of the digestive tract.

How is water transferred from the digestive tract to the kidney?

The water is absorbed by your digestive tract and transferred to your blood. From there the blood will carry the water to the kidneys.

Where is most of the water absorbed in the digestive tract?

Most water is absorbed in the Large Intestine ! x

What are substances not absorbed into the bloodstream from the digestive system?

amino acids glucose fatty acids n glycerol or absorbed in to the blood in the ileum

What is the overall function of the digestive tract?

The digestive tract basically breaks down the macromolecules into monomers to be absorbed into the body. Various enzymes are involved in the process of digestion. Digestive tract in humans starts from the mouth and ends at anus.

What makes up the Digestive tract?

food goes down the esophagus into the stomach with digestive acids and the through the small intestines so food can be absorbed then to the large intestine so water can be absorbed the left overs is what your body didn't use.

What happens to the food we eat in the stomach and digestive system?

The proteins are broken down to amino acids and get absorbed. Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose (and fructose) and are absorbed. Fats are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol and absorbed. Minerals and vitamins are absorbed as such.

What part of the body absorb alcohol?

Most alcohol is usually absorbed in the digestive tract. And most, by far, is absorbed in the small intestine but some is absorbed in the mouth, throat and stomach.

What is the purpose of having a long digestive tract?

It makes sure that your food is completely digested and you have absorbed all the nutrients.

How are fat soluble vitamins absorbed from the alimentary tract into the circulatory system?

The alimentary canal has glands which produces digestive juices which help in digestion from tract to is then transported to liver.

What to do when accidentally swallowed Mercury from thermometer?

If you swallow mercury, very little is absorbed. Most of the mercury is eliminated through the digestive tract.

How are the glycerol and fatty acids absorbed in duodenum?

Glycerol and fatty acids are absorbed in the duodenum through the process of diffusion after digestion. Glycerol and fatty acids circulate into lymphatic vessels and do not circulate into the bloodstream.