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Q: Where the Philippines would pine trees likely grown?
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Where in the Philippines would pine trees likely to grow?

baguio and benguet

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There will be less young trees ,I think

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If you are asking Are coconuts grown, then my answer would be yes. They are grown on coconut trees that look similar to Palm trees. And coconuts are a tropical fruit such as mangos and banannas.

Where in the Philippines would pine tree likely grow?

baguio and benguet

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How would you know it wasn't fully grown? It is most likely that it will not get noticeably larger.

Where in the Philippines would pine trees grow?

There are pine trees adapted to most ecotypes. Bare rock and brackish water might be limiting environments.

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the trees give us oxygen so......we would die.

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You would see hardwood trees starting to overgrow the pine trees that had grown in the abandoned fields.

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Pineapple grows from a ground bush.

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