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Q: Where in South Dakota did the dust bowl start?
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Which of the hardest hit Dust Bowl states lost population in the 1930's?

The hardest hit dust bowl states that lost population in the 1930's were North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma.

Where did the dust bowl storm start?

On November 11, 1933, a very strong storm stripped topsoil from desiccated South Dakota farmlands, this is believed to be the start.

In what region was the dust bowl centered?

Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, parts of Texas, Iowa, North and South Dakota.

What states did the dust bowl effect?

Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Did congress start the dust bowl?

No, the dust bowl was a natural phenomenon caused by overusing the land.

When and where did the Dust Bowl occur?

The dreaded Dust Bowl struck the US from 1930 through 1938. It seriously affected the Rocky Mountains, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

What was the severe drought from Texas to North Dakota in the 30's called?

It was called the dust bowl

What year did the dust bowl conitions start to impact the US?

The dust bowl started in 1931 but no one knows when it impacted the U.S

Did Anne Marie Low move west during the dust bowl?

No, she already lived there with her family in North Dakota.

how do i dust a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl

Was the dust bowl really the shape of a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl.

What is the loss of soil on south great plains in 1930s called?

The Great Dust Bowl