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Precipitated as stalactites, stalagmites etc - and it is the primary constituent of the limestone in which the vast majority of caves form!

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Q: Where in caves do you find calcite?
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Can precipitate calcite be found in caves?

Stalactites and stalagmites are precipitated calcite.

What is formed when calcite drips back into the caves?


Where is the precipitate calcite commonly found to create formations in the ground?

calcite is found all over the united states

Where would you find stalagmites stalagmites?

In caves formed in limestone - as are most of the world's caves although not all such caves contain stalagmites and stalactites. They are precipitations of calcite dissolved from the host limestone by carbonic acid - rain water acidified by atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolved in it.

Where is the precipitate calcite commonly found to create interesting formation in the ground?

Stalactites and stalagmites in caves.caves

What are columns in caves?

Columns in caves are tall, cylindrical formations that are created when stalactites from the ceiling and stalagmites from the floor meet and fuse together. They can grow over thousands of years as mineral deposits accumulate in caves. Columns are common features in caves with significant limestone formations.

What type of rock is made in caves?

Only deposits: sediments and calcite. A cave represents removal of rock, not its making.

What are cave pearls?

Cave pearls are a calcite formation found in caves that resemble pearls because they are white and round.

How are the three ways calcite is formed alike?

calcite is formed alike because it comes from inside caves so therfore thats how they are the same && someone else should exsplain this more known about this !

Is Halite clastic organic or chemical?

Travertine is a chemical sedimentary rock that is formed when calcite precipitates out of water and is deposited in layers. It is often seen in wet caves, forming a semi-translucent, pink-orange rock with a "flowing" appearance. When water runs through the limestone caves, it dissolves calcite. Later on, tiny amounts of the calcite are deposited when, for example, the water drips from the ceiling of the cave, forming stalactites and stalagmites.

What are stone formations that usually hang from the rooofs of limestone caves?

Stalactites - comprised of the mineral calcite, and although not all limestone caves contain stalactites, these formations always hang from the roofs otherwise they would not be stalactites!

Will you find hawks in caves?

Hawks are not found in caves.