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In full, they are in Exodus 20 and repeated for emphasis in Deuteronomy 5. A partial list is given in Mark 10 and Luke 18.

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Q: Where in the Bible are the 10 Commandments listed a second time?
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Do the second tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written still exist?

Yes, i Believe they do, THEY Will be Revealed, just don't know when ? "Right Time" "Right Place"

Why was Moses the most wicked man in the Bible?

Because he broke all the Ten Commandments at the one time.

Where is the eighth Commandment in the Bible?

All of the "Ten Commandments" are written together in the Bible, and that happens twice, in two different places. -- Exodus, Chapter 20, beginning at Verse 2. -- Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, beginning at Verse 6. NOTE: If your Bible has the same texts in both places, get yourself a better translation. The two statements of the Ten Commandments are NOT identical. For example, each appearance of the Eighth Commandment is stated with five Hebrew words. One of them changes its form the second time, and another one changes to a totally different word the second time. For serious Bible readers, there's a lot to learn from the differences. Interesting, huh !

Were the Ten Commandments given during the Mosaic Age?

A:According to the Bible, the Ten Commandments were given to Moses himself, during the Exodus from Egypt. In terms of historical fact, scholars say that there was no Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible and therefore no Mosaic Age. The Ten Commandments were written centuries after the time attributed to Moses.

Who received the Ten Commandments from God?

The first time it was recorded was with Moses, but there is evidence that the ten commandments were given before that. For instance, the bible tells us that the people kept the sabbath before the ten commandments were given.

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What happened on Mount Horeb?

Horeb is another name for Sinai, the mountain on which God communicated with the Prophet Moses, and gave him the Ten Commandments.

Why is Ye referred to as the 2nd person in the bible?

Because that's how English was at the time the Bible was translated. "You" was the second person singular and "ye" was the second person plural. I - you - he/she We - ye - they

What are obligations for the Jews?

There are 613 commandments from the Bible and many more that have been added over time. The main thing that a Jew is obligated to is to believe in G-D.

Does it say in the Bible that a widow may not remarry?

In the Bible, it does not specifically say that a widow may not remarry. However, some interpretations of certain Bible verses suggest that widows may choose to remain single to focus on serving God. Ultimately, whether a widow chooses to remarry is a personal decision guided by their own beliefs and values.

Are the ten commandments in the king James bible repeated in the new testiment?

The King James Version of the Scripture is to be an accurate account of all scripture within the bible. The 10 Commandments are such and therefore copied and translated over into the English. It is curious to realize that in the time of the Apostles, if you spoke of Ot or Nt, they would probably look at you as if you were strange. These terms did not exist.

How many time is trust listed in the bible?

The word "trust" is in the King James Version of the Bible 134 times. It is in 134 verses. Please see the related link below.