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It doesn't command that we pray all day long -- as if, the longer, the better.

It does tell us to pray for our daily bread - - so that indicates that we make contact with Jehovah our Father each day. It shows love and respect for us receiving 'life' each day too; including the necessities for life.

Bible also says that we should pray 'incessantly'; meaning we should be in a prayerful mood thruought the day - - gravitating into prayer as the need or desire might be.

I find myself switching from a daily activity, into prayer, as I notice something fascinating in creation. Watching the personalities & antics of chickens, ducks, cause me to reflect on Jehovah. Seeing the majestic Mount Ranier is enough to cause me to address Jehovah with a simple "WOW! What a wonder" each and every time I see it. Looking at the beautiful variety in flowers is enough to cause the same reaction from me. Just yesturday a little multi-colored finch landed on the blueberry bush I was picking from; I stood still as a statue; and quietly said to Jehovah: "Thank you for this special treat - - you can sure paint well."

So, thru ought the day we should connect with Jehovah.

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6mo ago

There is no specific verse in The Bible that instructs believers to pray for a long period of time. However, Jesus did teach his disciples about the importance of persistence in prayer in passages like Luke 18:1-8 and Matthew 6:5-15. The Bible encourages believers to pray with sincerity, faith, and persistence, rather than focusing on the length of their prayers.

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