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No where in The Bible does it say one should lie.
Not anywhere. Satan is the father of lies from the beginning. God is truth, always.

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say you can lie for peace's sake?
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What are some cute things to say to a girl you like?

Telle her what you like about her, but don't lie for the sake of complimenting her.

Can I say for the sake of mine instead of for my sake?

No. You can say "for the sake of myself" or "for my sake." "For my sake" sounds much better.

If Romans would crucify Christ would they lie in the Bible?

Romans did not write the Bible and therefore had no say in what was said about them or what they were reported as having said. The Romans had no opportunity to lie in the Bible, but the Christian authors did have that opportunity. So, the question should perhaps be whether the early Christians lied in the Bible, and arguably they did do so.

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'Sake no okawari onegaishimasu'.

Can you show where in the bible it says man is a lie if you say you know every thing about the bible?

I don't say I know everything about the Bible. But this verse says some men are a lie:Psam 62:9 Surely men of low degree are a vapor, Men of high degree are a lie; If they are weighed on the scales, They are altogether lighter than vapor.- NKJ

Is say nothing about a situation the same as lying to someone?

yes, acording to the bible if it is not said when it is true then it is a lie no matter how you spin it

Where in the Bible does it say not to say amen to a lie?

The only verses in the Bible (OT) that say something in this vein are found in Deuteronomy 27, but the "lieth" in the verses all have to do with sleeping with someone other than a spouse and not about telling falsehoods. If there is a verse directly related to telling falsehoods and not saying "Amen," I cannot find it.

If i say everything is a lie am i telling you the truth or a lie?

It's a lie, since everything I am telling you is a lie, there for, its a lie

How do you say lie in Japanese?

'Uso' is lie. 'Uso o tsuku' is "to lie."

What does The Bible say about honesty?

exodus 20:16 Thou shallt not give false testimony agaisnt thy neighbor Also one of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not lie.

Is drinking one or two glasses of wine a sin what does the bible say on this?

No, drinking is not necessarily a sin. In fact Paul advises Timothy not to drink water only but to drink a little wine for the sake of his stomach.

How do you say 'salmon' in Japanese?

鮭 - sake (same pronunciation as the drink, and in both words the 'e' has a soft vowel sound as in the word 'ten'.