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small intestine

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Q: Where in the alimentary canal does fat digestion take place?
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Related questions

What is the role of villi in the alimentary canal?

The role of the villi in the alimentary canal is to allow for a greater surface area in which the absorption of nutrients can take place.

What part of the alimentary canal does most absorption of nutrients take place?

Small intestine

Where does maximum absorption of food take place in vertebrate alimentary canal?

Almost all of the food you take in is absorbed in the small intestine. Most of the water you drink is absorbed in the large intestine.

How do you classify a digestion reaction?

Digestion is a chemical reaction that takes place in the body, starting from the mouth and ending in the small intestine. It is a long process taking place in a 9m long alimentary canal. Ingestion in the mouth is when the food is taken in, digestion when the food is broken down into simpler molecules, absorption when the digested food is absorbed by the blood, assimilation when the digested food is utilised by the the body and finally, egestion where the unwanted food is excreted out from the body, through the anus. With these processes, there are many other organs in the body which help digestion to take place, some being the liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine.

Does digestion take place in the alimentary tube?

It is asumed as no. Even when the amount of food decreases along the way to stomach, it is still a no, here are the reasons: -- Digestion does not take place in the gullet as gullet does not produce any digestive juice. -- The reason why there are a decrease amount of food in gullet is because you swallow down saliva and saliva is a form of digestive juice. In addition, Another name for the gullet is "esophagus".

What are three places that chemical digestion take place in?

Were does chemical digestion take place

Is the small intestine the longest part of the alimentary canal?

Yes, it is usually about 20 feet, give or take a few.

Where does chemical and mechanical digestion take place?

what is responsible for chemical digestion in earthworms

What is the adaptive value of the alimentary canal?

The alimentary canal allows for food to travel in one direction (because it is a complete digestive tract) which means that the organic materials from the food can be taken to specialized regions that digest it and take in nutrients. Also, more food can be eaten while previously eaten food is still digesting.

Where does the process of digestion begin and where does most of digestion of food take place?


Digestion takes place inside vacuoles containing what?

digestion take place inside the vacoules

Where does the digestion of starch not take place?

the intestine