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The only thing The Bible tells us is that Jesus DIED and was placed in the tomb. It doesn't say He DID anything there... He was DEAD.

The Bible tells us: "...the dead know nothing..." (Eccle.9:5 NLT New Living Translation)

"...For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." (verse 10)

There is one misunderstood statement by Peter that many people have taken to mean that Jesus WASN'T REALLY DEAD [because the false religions of the world believe that "death doesn't exist"... that life and death are the same things; that death is just "living somewhere else or in some other form" -- a belief that's straight out of the mouth of Satan: "'You won't die!' the Serpent hissed." - Gen.3:4 NLT]. Instead, many people believe Jesus was off in some sort of "prison" preaching to sinning angels while He was supposed to be in the tomb.

"For Christ... being put to death in the flesh, but quickened [resurrected; made alive] by the Spirit [three days and three nights later, by Jesus' own testimony - Matt.12:39-40]: by which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison; which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing..." (I Peter 3:18-20 KJV).

Peter says that Jesus "preached to the spirits [demons] in prison [tartaroo - a condition of restraint on the earth; see also Jude 1:6] back in the days while Noah was still building the ark. Not while He was in the tomb.

Jesus was a Spirit back then in Noah's day [the WORD of God; the Almighty Creator God of the universe - John 1:1-3]... and was returned to Life [resurrected] in that Spirit when He was raised from the dead in the tomb by His Father, three days and three nights after He died. And while in the tomb, He was dead as the proverbial doornail; in dormant sleep, unconscious, unthinking, undreaming, unplanning, without wisdom or knowledge.

So, the answer to the question has to be Ecclesiastes 9:5. Jesus was DOING NOTHING while in the tomb, but laying there... DEAD... for three days and three nights! Just as Jonah was DEAD... three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish.

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