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Q: Where in the bible is job eaten by a whale?
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Are whale sharks eaten?

no sharks are not eaten by whales

Where in the Bible does it talk of the dinosaurs?

in job 40, job speaks about the leviathan and the behemoth. The behemoth is thought to be a large sauropod according to how job described it. As for the leviathan, there are theories that its either a type of crocodile or a whale.

Does a squid get eaten by a whale?

Yes a squid can get eaten by a whale because a white shark eat squid and an orca whale is bigger then a white shark.

Could a whale be eaten by another animal?

Yes, a whale can be eaten by some kinds of sharks and some other whales Yes, a whale can be eaten by some kinds of sharks and some other whales

Has a man ever been eaten by a humpback whale?

There are no recorded cases of a human ever been eaten by a humpback whale.

What books of the Bible is the word whale used?

The word whale occures twice in the King James version of the Bible; Job 7:12 and Ezekiel 32:2. Jonah was swollowed by a great fish. Jonah 1:17

Do humans eat whale carcasses?

Whale meat is eaten in Japan.

Do killer whale got eaten?


What are Phytoplankton eaten by?

yes, they get eaten, by zooplanktons and sea creatures, such as a whale!

Where is whale listed in the King James Bible?

The only reference to a whale in the bible that I am aware of is in the book of Jonah.I don't have a King James version to confirm that they do refer as the fish as a whale. I have a NIV version and it says that God provided a great fish.As a child I recall the story being told with Jonah being swallowed by a whale There are 4 references to 'whale' in the KJV Bible: Genesis 1.21 Job 7.12 Ezekiel 32.2 Matthew 12.40 In Jonah, the 'whale' is called 'a great fish' (Jonah 1.17), but Jesus calls it a whale (Matthew 12.40)

Which prophet which was eaten by fish?

Jonah and the whale.

Can Harp Seals get eaten by whales?

no a harp seal can not get eatin by a whale but it can get eatin by a orca whale