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There are no reliable sources to confirm that Jesus skin is bronze, nor does Matthew discuss what color Jesus is. However, realistically, Jesus was not white (Caucasian). As a middle-eastern male, he would have had skin that was common to the Semites-- it is closer to the color of people in India.


There is however a reference in the book of Revelations that says His feet were like brass...

"His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters" (Revelations 1:15, NKJV).

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In the book of Revelation 1:15, it mentions that Jesus' feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, which some interpret as referring to his skin color. This description is not found in the book of Matthew.

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Q: Where in the book of Matthew does it say Jesus skin is bronze?
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Was he a black man who help jesus carry the cross.?

The man who was compelled to bear the cross of Jesus by the Romans was called Simon, of Cyrene[Matthew 27:32]. Cyrene was, and possibly still is, a town in Libya where at the time a large Jewish settlement existed. Jews from this area were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost[Acts 2:10]. There appears to be no hard evidence to say what the colour of Simon's skin was. Wikipedia has a comprehensive write up about the story.>

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It is believed that people in the Bible, including those in the New Testament, would have had darker skin tones than commonly depicted in Western art. Some scholars suggest that Jesus and many other figures in the Bible likely had brown skin.

What sense is hebrews critical of old testament religion?

The Book of Hebrews contrasts the Old Testament sacrificial system with the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the superiority of Christ's priesthood and the new covenant over the old covenant. It critiques the reliance on rituals and sacrifices as insufficient for true forgiveness and salvation, pointing to Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of Old Testament promises and law.

Where in revelations verse does it mention a yellow race?

The book of Revelation does not mention a "yellow race." The concept of different races and colors of skin is not addressed in the context of Revelation.

How did they make clothes in the time of Jesus?

Clothes in the time of Jesus were made by weaving fibers, such as wool or linen, into fabric using handheld looms. The fibers were spun into threads, which were then woven together to create the cloth. Garments were often sewn by hand and decorated with embroidery, dye, or other embellishments.

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