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Retina contains rods and cones

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It is the retina

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On the cornea in the back of the eye.

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Q: Where in the eye houses light sensitive cells?
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The photoreceptor cells are very sensitive to damage from light?

True the Photoreceptor sensory cilia are the light sensitive parts of the rods and cones in the eye's retina

What is the light-sensitive layer of neurons inside the eye?

Simply explained, the light sensitive cells inside the eye are located on the retina. There are two different types of photoreceptor cells: rods, which read light intensity or back and white; and cones which are color sensitive. Both rod and cone cells are then connected to ganglion cells. These cells then bundle into the optic nerve which carries the signals from the photoreceptor cells into the brain. Also, the photoreceptor cells are the furthest layer form the front of the eye and are closest to the back wall or choroid layer of the retina.

What is the function of the cone cell?

A cone cell has a pigment called iodopsin. There are three different types of these pigments that are sensitive to red, blue or green wave lengths of light in the cone cells.Red cones have the iodopsin pigment that is sensitive to red color.Blue cones have the iodopsin pigment that is sensitive to blue color.Green cones have the iodopsin pigment that is sensitive to green color.Colors can be detected when light stimulates different combinations of iodopsins. For example, orange light is the result of red and green cones being stimulated.

What is the light-sensitive layer of cells at the back of the eye?

The retina (6 words) is this for a cross word by any chance?

How does light enter the eye?

As light enters the eye, it strikes the receptor cells of the retina, called the rods and cones.

Related questions

What is the name of organ at the back of your eye which is light sensitive?

Retina is the layer of light sensitive cells at the back of your eye

A human eye has more of what cells?

light sensitive cells

What will happen if light sensitive cells are missing from retina of a person's eye?

the eye will lose its sence

Eye made of many identical light-sensitive cells?

Compound eye

Blank are light-sensitive cells in your eye?

cones, they are light sensitive where as rods are motion sensitive. idk the correct name of the certain cells but other infor sources would be a better solution to your question

What light-sensitive cells in the eye detect light and dark but not color?

Rods are for seeing light and dark, cones are for seeing color.

Light sensitive eye cells?

You mean at the back of the eye, not behind it? If so, retina

The photoreceptor cells are very sensitive to damage from light?

True the Photoreceptor sensory cilia are the light sensitive parts of the rods and cones in the eye's retina

Which part of the eye is sensitive to light?

The retina at the back of the eye is light-sensitive.

What light sensitive cells in the eye detct color?

The cones, located in the retina, detect color.

What is the major function of rods in the eye?

The major function of Rods in the eye is that of Photo (light) reception. They are more sensitive to light thn are the cones, but are not color sensitive,The rods are photo receptor cells found in the retina. Their main function is to help the eye see in dim light.

Is human eye sensitive to red light?

yes the human eye is sensitive to red light