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Q: Where in the kidney does filtration of blood take place?
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Where does the process of filtration take place?


How are kidneys like a water treatment plant?

The job of a kidney is to take unnecessary nutrients and vitamins from the blood stream and send it to the excretory system. It resembles a water treatment plant because it is a filtration mechanism.

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women should not use parsley during pregnancy or lactation. Parsley irritates the epithelial tissues of the kidney, increasing blood flow and filtration rate; therefore persons with kidney disease should not take this herb internally

Advantages of dialysis?

Dialysis is a reliable way of taking over the function of a persons' kidneys without causing too much disturbance to the patient.Whether it be long term filtration (continuous), or short term (intermittent 3x/week).Relativley non invasiveIt worksCan be used for different reasons HyperkalemiaHypervolemiapH abnormalities (metabolic)General kidney filtration take over

In the nephron where does glomerular filtration take place?

Glomerulus (Renal Corpuscle)

What is function of renal vein?

the main function of a renal vein is to carry urine to the kidneys

What is the function of nephrone?

The functions are: 1:IT forms the filtering bed through which all the constituents of plasma excepting colloids of plasma are filtered and thus helps in urine formation.

Dog pees blood?

Can be a UTI or kidney stones. Take him to the vet SAP.

What is a tissue rejection?

E.g if ur kidney fail and u nid a transplant,the people who donated their kidney have to match ur body. If it doesn't,tissue rejection will take place. Ur antibodies and white blood cell will note the kidney as foreign bodies invading the body. Thus it kills it

In which two body organs does reabsorption of water take place?

Kidney and Colon

What organs does the dialysis michine take place of?

The most common is a kidney dialysis machine.

What part take the dirty water out of blood?

The kidney takes un-wanted stuff out of the blood. Then it all mixes (not the blood!) and becomes urine.Or dirty blood can be filtered by the GLOMERUS and used again.