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There are only 6 metalloids in the Periodic Table; Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, and Tellurium (sometimes one of selenium, polonium or astatine are also listed as a metalloid).

Below is the periodic table, the metalloids are the sandish colors (5, 14, 32, 33, 51, 52 and sometimes 84)

Group #123456789101112131415161718Period   1 1

H   2

He 2 3

Li 4

Be   5

B 6

C 7

N 8

O 9

F 10

Ne 3 11

Na 12

Mg   13

Al 14

Si 15

P 16

S 17

Cl 18

Ar 4 19

K 20

Ca 21

Sc 22

Ti 23

V 24

Cr 25

Mn 26

Fe 27

Co 28

Ni 29

Cu 30

Zn 31

Ga 32

Ge 33

As 34

Se 35

Br 36

Kr 5 37

Rb 38

Sr 39

Y 40

Zr 41

Nb 42

Mo 43

Tc 44

Ru 45

Rh 46

Pd 47

Ag 48

Cd 49

In 50

Sn 51

Sb 52

Te 53

I 54

Xe 6 55

Cs 56

Ba * 72

Hf 73

Ta 74

W 75

Re 76

Os 77

Ir 78

Pt 79

Au 80

Hg 81

Tl 82

Pb 83

Bi 84

Po 85

At 86

Rn 7 87

Fr 88

Ra ** 104

Rf 105

Db 106

Sg 107

Bh 108

Hs 109

Mt 110

Ds 111

Rg 112

Cn 113

Uut 114

Uuq 115

Uup 116

Uuh 117

Uus 118

Uuo   * Lanthanides (Lanthanoids) 57

La 58

Ce 59

Pr 60

Nd 61

Pm 62

Sm 63

Eu 64

Gd 65

Tb 66

Dy 67

Ho 68

Er 69

Tm 70

Yb 71

Lu   ** Actinides (Actinoids) 89

Ac 90

Th 91

Pa 92

U 93

Np 94

Pu 95

Am 96

Cm 97

Bk 98

Cf 99

Es 100

Fm 101

Md 102

No 103


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Q: Where in the period table are the metalloids found?
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Where are metalloids found on periodic table?

The stair step line

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Yes, metalloids (B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po) are placed in the periodic table - beings chemical elements.

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Where are the metalloids found on the periodic table?

Along the Border between the Metals and nonmetals are seven elements called metalloids. - Satchi <3

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There is not one but there are two metalloids in Period 4 of the periodic table. They are germanium and arsenic. There is a link below to the Wikipedia post on the metalloids so you can have a look at them.

What metalloid is found in period 3 of the periodic table?

The metalloids are those elements that border the step structure in the periodic table. Depending on the source, they include Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, Polonium and Astatine.

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