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on YouTube jerry trainer says nobody really knows quote " i donno, shopping" LOL

On an episode of Drake and Josh, Megan once spoke of a friend named Carly whose mom is dead, dad is in the ocean and her big brother takes care of her. Dan obviously used this for the basic plot of iCarly, meaning Carly's mom is most likely dead.

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13y ago
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amaya Sahota

Lvl 1
7mo ago
the cast as been asked in interview what happend to mrs shay when in a interview jerry trainor joked shooping i guess abandon carly and spencer
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10y ago

Well most of us know that Carly & Spencer's Dad is on a Submarine in the Military, but what ever happened to their Mother? I've just been looking on the internet and EVERYWHERE it says that she died but no one knows how!!

Hope this helped you!!

Actually Carly's mother died during her birth or at least thats what it says on a website i found.

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13y ago

They have never talked about her on the show EVER the way i look at it the mystery is what makes the show so great!

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14y ago

Carly's mom died in a car crash and she wanted Spencer to be her guardian.

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14y ago

Her dad is in the military and her mom either left, died, or her dad got a girl pregnant, they never really say

^ hahahaha

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13y ago

CARLY'S MOTHER IS NOT DEAD. According to the official iCarly site at both her parents are in the Navy and are overseas.

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13y ago

It has never been mentioned. Most likely because she isn't a main character

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12y ago

It is unknown if Carly has a mom on iCarly. Her mom was never mentioned.

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14y ago

she died :p

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What is your favorite momeant in iCarly?

when Carlys brother does anything. He is hilarious! When Carly and Sam get a new producer in iCarly. Funny yet sad!

Who plays Freddie's mom on i Carly?

Mary Scheer plays Freddie's mom on iCarly.

What is sams mom real name from icarly?

Pam Puckett

What is iCarlys sams last name?

In the show, her full name is Sam Puckett. They have only said it in the Locker 239 episode and the one where Sam changes Carlys grades.

What is Carlys real name in you Carly?

miranda cosgrove

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Where does Carlys dad off iCarly work?

On iCarly, Carlys dad is in the Army in Europe.

What is Carlys real name in iCarly?

Miranda Cosgrove

What is Carlys reaile name from iCarly?

Miranda Cosgrove

What are all the rooms in Carlys apartment in iCarly?

the answer to that is the labratory the kitchen the living room spencers room the backroom near the kitchen carlys room icarly studio the backroom in the icarly studio the bathoom and freddies apartment.

What is Carlys name off of the show iCarly?

Miranda Cosgrove

Who is Carlys angel from iCarly?

If you mean on the episode "iChristmas", his name is Mitch.

What is your favorite momeant in iCarly?

when Carlys brother does anything. He is hilarious! When Carly and Sam get a new producer in iCarly. Funny yet sad!

What is Carlys dads name on iCarly?

Carly Shay's Dad's name is Colnoel Steven Shay.

What is the name of Carlys dad in iCarly?

His name is Antonio Ricardo Santiago Fernando Roberto Eduardo Gonzalez the fourth.

What is carlys real name off of icarly web show?

on her show Carley Shaw off her show it is Miranda cosgrove

When was iCarly born?

icarly was born on about the 3rd of September 2007 it is a very good show and has 4 main people such as Carly shay (Miranda cosgrove ) she is the star of the show freedie benson (Nathan kress) is carlys best freind spencher shay (jerry tranior ) is carlys 26 - year old brother

What is so bad about Carlys boyfriend on iCarly?

He looks like a bad boy and he collects pee wee babies (Their just like beanie babies but on Icarly their called pee wee babies).