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Q: Where is Jacqueline du pre's cello?
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What is Jacqueline du Pré's birthday?

Jacqueline du Pré was born on January 26, 1945.

When was Jacqueline du Pré born?

Jacqueline du Pré was born on January 26, 1945.

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Countess Du Cello died on November 28, 1921, in Los Angeles, California, USA of overdose.

When did Jacqueline du Pré die?

Jacqueline du Pré died on October 19, 1987 at the age of 42.

What difference between jacquiline du pre cello and yo-yo ma cello?

they are the same

How old was Jacqueline du Pré at death?

Jacqueline du Pré died on October 19, 1987 at the age of 42.

Who the famous person that played the cello?

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How old is Jacqueline du Pré?

Jacqueline du Pré was born on January 26, 1945 and died on October 19, 1987. Jacqueline du Pré would have been 42 years old at the time of death or 70 years old today.

When did yoyo ma play the cello?

According to some sources, he owns three:A 1712 Stradivarius DavydovA 1733 Domenico MontagnanaA Luis* and Clark Carbon Fiber Cello* The Luis spelling is correct, as it had nothing to do with the expedition members mentioned in early history.

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with what be specific........