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Q: Where is The energy locked inside an organic molecule most readily accessible?
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The potential energy of organic molecules is most readily available to cells in the form of?

Glucose is the energy that is locked inside an organic molecule most readily accessible in.

Which organic molecule is important for the storage of excess energy?


What organic molecule is the main energy source for living things?


The major energy carrying molecule in the cell is what?

The primary energy carrying molecule in a cells is ATP. ATP is known as adenosine triphosphate which is an organic molecule that stores and releases energy, used in cellular processes.

What organic molecule provides a ready source of chemical energy within all cells?

The organic molecule provides a ready source of chemical energy within all cells is the ATP or adenosine triphosphate. ATP is considered as the energy currency of life.Ê

Organisms make energy readily available by transferring the chemical bond energy of organic molecules to?

Organisms make energy readily available by transferring the chemical bond energy of organic molecules to adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP serves as the primary energy currency in cells, storing and providing energy for cellular activities. This process is known as cellular respiration.

What organic molecule stores the greatest organic energy?


Is pyruvate an organic molecule?

Yes, pyruvate is an organic molecule. It is a key intermediate in cellular respiration and plays a crucial role in the production of energy in the form of ATP.

Which molecule provides quick energy?

Glucose is a molecule that provides quick energy for the body. It is readily available in the bloodstream and can be quickly broken down in cells to produce energy through processes like glycolysis.

What is the organic molecule that stores and releases chemical energy for use in body cells called?


Which molecule can be used as a supply of quick energy?

Glucose is a molecule that can be used as a quick source of energy in the body. It is readily broken down in cells through a process called cellular respiration to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell.

Why glucose can't make ions?

Because glucose is an organic molecule. Wrong, any molecule or atom can be ionized. Organic or inorganic it does not matter. It just requires enough energy to ionize them. Perhaps you were really asking why it does not ionize in water. This is because all the bonds in glucose are covalent, which is too strong a bond for the dipole charge of the water molecule to separate. To ionize in water a molecule must contain at least one ionic bond, which is weak enough for the dipole charge of the water molecule to easily separate leaving ions. Also there are plenty of organic molecules containing ionic bonds (in addition to many covalent bonds), these readily ionize in water.