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You have to go to the back of a train but there is a guy in front of the door and you have to answer his puzzle which the answer is 6:4 and you can go on outside

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Q: Where is Tom and the mysterious girl on Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?
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Is there a girl called kira in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Sorry, I have not heard of a girl Called Kira on Professor Layton However, there is a girl called Katia.

Who does the voice of Emmy in professor layton?

A Japanese girl named Saki Aibu voices Emmy Altava in the game, Professor Layton and Last Specter and the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva.

Where is the girl with the dog on the train in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Observaton Desk.

Why did Professor Layton accuse the girl as being a witch in the game Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney?

because the girl know everything about the book before she read it, well, you know everything that wrote on the book will come true,

Why do they have Flora in the Professor Layton games?

Flora is Baron Reinhold's little girl who was left in the Curious village when her Daddy sadly passed away. Professor Layton rescued her which is why she is still a character in the series.

Who is Flora in Professor Layton and the Curious Village?

Flora is a girl known in the first game as the Golden Apple. She joins Professor Layton and Luke in their adventures after the first game. Her father was the Baron Augustus Reinhold, and her mother was Lady Violet.

What is the answer to puzzle 93 in Professor Layton's the Diabolical Box?

Puzzle No 93: How Old am I, Location: Promenade. Answer = The girl Joanie is 5 years old.

Who is Flora in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

In Professor Layton, Flora is a girl also known as the golden apple. She tails Luke and Layton in the first two games. Her father, Baron Augustus Reinhold, passed away when she was 10-12 years old. Her mother, Lady Violet, passed away when she 4-7 years old. Professor Layton is her guardian, because he found her in St. Mystere. She also was a vital clue in finding her fathers inheritance, with that apple shaped birthmark on her chest and whatnot.

Why is Layton Don Paolo's arch enemy in Professor Layton and the Curious Village?

The true answer to this question in Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel. Here it is. Professor Layton and a girl named... I believe it was "Claire"... were sort of going out and Don Paolo was IN LOVE with her. He got mad and became his enemy. And here is a small spoiler. That girl is the ONLY reason he wears his hat all the time...! You can look up to different videos on YouTube. A: Layton Takes His Hat Off and B: Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel Video 19/38. Hope This Helped! EDIT: In Professor Layton and The Unwound/Lost Future, Layton tells Luke that Claire was his girlfriend before but passed away in an explosion that was caused bu Dimitri Allen (Dr.Alain Stanhgun) and Bill Hawks. In a cut scene in the game, Claire gives Layton a letter and tells him in short that she loves him by giving him a kiss on the cheek. During That moment although they don't realize this, Don Paolo was EAVESDROPPING on the two and ran straight into the river saying" Layton!!! You will pay for this Someday!!! While Crying)

Why is puzzle 109 in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box missing from the puzzle shack in Folsense?

you have to go to the girl at the west-y junction and she will give you the puzzle

Where is the chimney quartet in professor Layton's?

If you walk to the front of the market where Louis and what's-her-face are (you know, the blue haired girl with the bandana), you'll see them.

Who is the mysterious girl in fossil fighter?

The mysterious girl is Duna