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The specific order of the words in the sentence you have quoted is not found in the Bible. Certainly if the sentence is split up then these words are found throughout scripture, but not in the sequence that you have asked about.

There is a children's song which was very popular many years ago and was often sung at Sunday School. It's almost identical to your quote except the word "praises go up" is replaced by "prayers will go up". It goes like this:

"The blessings will come down and the prayers will go up

So build your house on the Lord

So build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ

and the blessings will come down.

In Psalm 22:3 it states that God is enthroned in the honest and sincere praises of His people. When people exalt and praise His Name, He works His power in the most appropriate way in human circumstances which usually results in blessings "coming down".

Psalm 150 tells ways that people can praise God. Verse 6 says "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."

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