

Where is a grasshoppers home?

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10y ago

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is a grassy area and feilds

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Q: Where is a grasshoppers home?
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Where does grasshoppers home?

forests and crops

If I am outside when it rains am I in danger of grasshoppers entering my crevices?

Get rid of grasshoppers in your home using these remedies.

What do you feed grasshoppers?

Microsoft office has software available for purchase. They have products for home, school, and business. You can download the software at home by going to the Microsoft website to purchase it.

Do grasshoppers eat other grasshoppers?

grasshoppers are veggietarians and if the grasshopper is bigger than another, the bigger one may eat the smaller oneYes, grasshoppers do eat each other. I had 5 pet grasshoppers and cleaned up after them. They feed on any other bugs, plants, or each other. But I did look in their home that I made and there was nothing in it so it was grasshoppers. Another answerNot usually. They generally only eat plants. However, some species may eat other grasshoppers on occasion.

How many babies do grasshoppers have?

HOW MANY BABIES DO GRASSHOPPERS HAVE?Common Grasshoppers usually have 80 - 400 Grasshoppers each time. Large brown Grasshoppers (Mallimitoes) can have up to 700 babies, though.

What is the collective noun for grasshoppers?

Collective nouns for grasshoppers are:a cloud of grasshoppersa cluster of grasshoppersa plague of grasshoppersa swarm of grasshoppers

Do grasshoppers have legs?

Yes, grasshoppers have legs.

What is grasshoppers in French?

Grasshoppers, in plural, is « sauterelles ».

What do grasshoppers hatch into?


Are grasshoppers Harry or not?

Grasshoppers do not have hair on their bodies. No, they are not hairy.

Are grasshoppers producers or consumers?

Grasshoppers are consumers.

Are grasshoppers hervivore?

yes, most grasshoppers are herbivores.