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Q: Where is air pressure the greatest in the valley?
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Where would you expect the air pressure to be greatest in a valley?

At the bottom of the valley!

Where would the air pressure be the greatest around a mountain?

Air pressure decrease with altitude thus the air pressure is the greatest at the mountain base.

Where is air pressure the greatest?

The air pressure is greatest at sea level.

Air pressure is greatest because there are more molecules of air pushing down from above?

Air pressure is greatest at sea level.

Where greatest barometric pressure exist California?

death valley

Is air pressure the greatest at the beach?

it is greatest at the beach

Great masses of air molecules pushing down from adove?


What has higher pressure a mountain or a valley?

i think a valley does because when you climb a mountain the air pressure decreases the higher you go.

Where is air pressure the greatest in the atmosphere?

Air pressure is the amount of force exerted on an object by the atmosphere. It is greatest at sea level.It is greatest in the exosphere, due to the fact that air pressure is greater as the altitude rises; the exosphere is the highest level within the atmosphere.Air pressure is greatest in the areas that are small and enclosed. This is because there is no way to escape.

When is air pressure greatest?

According to the ideal gas equation, PV=nRT, air pressure is greatest in systems with low volume, high temperature, and of course a lot of air.

How does the pressure change from Death Valley to the mountaintops?

the air pressure changes based on elevation

Where is the pressure greatest on a tire when its on the car?

Air pressure is the same throughout the tire.