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Q: Where is amazing sonic scene creator 3 not on most play?
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Did Elise Love Sonic?

It is highly implied that Elise did indeed love Sonic throughout the storyline of Sonic the Hedgehog. Shown through Sonic's Trial of Love, a cutscene where Amy confronts Elise about her liking someone, and most controversially, a scene which Elise revives Sonic through the use of a kiss, telling Sonic to come back to "us".

Why are fancharacters and recolors mainly of Sonic-style?

The reason for this is that Sonic is one of the most famous video characters there is, his animal, yet slight human-like style makes it more interesting for fan-characters to be based on him, also Sonic's abilities usually encourage the creator of the fan-character to have their own story line and abilities.

Which Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon was the most popular?

The most popular Sonic show is Sonic Underground.

What is the comparative and superlative of amazing?

more amazing, most amazing

Why does Alice blue hearts like sonic?

Alice and Sonic don't even met. They most likely wont. Alice is just a mary sue character. Sonic is marrying Sally or dating Amy. Alice really hasn't met him so it can't be possible. So who ever this fan is, I am sorry to disappointing you, but the lovely Alice Blue Hearts would never be with Sonic. -The creator of the mary sue character. :)

Who is the most powerful sonic character there is?

well it depends. sonic is the most powerful if he gets the chaos spere.

What can you role play for Hunger Games?

Many people role play the scene where rue dies as it is one of the most emotional and touching scenes. Also any of the caves scenes would be heart warming. Any scene in the arena is bound to be amazing!

How do you save in Sonic and the Black Knight?

Sonic and the Black Knight has an autosave, as do most newer Sonic games.

What is the most boring sonic game?

i would have to say sonic and tails :/

Why does sonic not like Amy?

sonic likes amy not hate her

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