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Q: Where is are electric chairs used?
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Where can I purchase a used electric wheel chair in Columbia, Missouri?

There are several online websites that can ship you a used wheel chairs. Several merchandise and furniture store will also have used electric wheel chairs. You can also find discounted wheel chairs at stores like walmart.

Where can one find more information about electric riser chairs?

Information about electric riser chairs can be found on the GoldViolin website. On the website, they provide information on how the device works and places where one can purchase electric riser chairs.

What is used to kill criminals during the death penalty?

gas, shootings, lethal injections, electric chairs, hangings

Are there companies who sell things such a used lift chair?

There are. Here's one such company that sells used lift chairs:

Are there any sites online that sell reliable used (or cheap) electric lift chairs?

You can visit You can also try searching on

What type of power do powered recliner chairs use?

Electric recliner chairs use electric motors to move positions. There are several different types of recliner chairs, including ones' moving different positions allowing you to find the best recliner for your body type.

Did they have electric chairs when jesus was alive?

if they did, it'd be quite interesting to find out how they could power an electric chair yet not have street lights, TVs and cars. no they didn't have electric chairs, it was like the year 33 AD when they killed him and the electric chair was first built in 1890 so of course not.

How do you prevent dumb people from attacking your lawn chairs?

electric fence

Can I get an electric wheelchair?

I am sorry to hear about your medical condition. Yes they do make electric wheel chairs which have batteries that can be charged.

What are different types of seats?

There are the banana seats, recumbent seats, leather saddles, sprung saddles, noseless saddles and perfectly regular saddles.

What are some of the benefits of electric lift chairs?

For the infirm, elderly and disabled electric lift chairs can help people lead as independent a life as possible in their own home. There may however, be difficulties in fitting such a system into an older property.

What is the used of chairs?

Lift chairs are used for people who are weak in the back or legs and have problems standing from a normal chair. These chairs will lift them to an almost standing position.