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Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plant cells.

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Q: Where is cholorophyll found in plants?
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What is the green chemical called that makes photosynthesis happen?

Cholorophyll it has five types 1 Cholorophyll a (Universal) 2 Cholorophyll b (Mostly plants) 3 Cholorophyll c1(Various algae) 4 Cholorophyll c2(Various algae) 5 Cholorophyll d (Cyanobacteria)

Do plants make food in their roots stems flowers leaves?

They mostly do it in their leaves because that is where the choloroplast is and it holds cholorophyll that causes photosynthesis which is the process of making food for a plant.

Do plants make food in their stems flowers roots or leaves?

They mostly do it in their leaves because that is where the choloroplast is and it holds cholorophyll that causes photosynthesis which is the process of making food for a plant.

What substance in plants contain magnesium?

magnesium the mineral used by plants to produce chlorophyll which is needed in order for photosynthesis to take place.

What makes the plant green and helps it make food?


What structures trap light energy and perform photosynthesis?


What is the role of cholorophyll in the biochemical pathways of photosynthesis?

cholorophyll is what produces the green pigment and allows the leaf to absorb more light, the only light leaves cant absorb is green light

Can plants live under blue light?

Yes -definitely. The main pigment in plant, called cholorophyll, abosorbs yellow and blue wavelengths, while reflecting the green. That is the reason we see leaves as green.

Do chloroplast contain cholorophyll?

Yes,chloroplasts have chlorophyll.They conduct the photosynthesis.

What is the role of cholorophyll in a plant's leaves?

it makes the plant leaves green

Infer why algae contain pigments other then just cholorophyll?

To move about a tree.

Green plants use what kind of energy during photosynthesis?

The Green plants convert solar energy into chemical energy and with the help of cholorophyll they produse their food.