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in a church

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Q: Where is church mass held?
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What langueage was mass or their church service held in?

Latin is the universal mass language, though services are also held in the language native to the location of service.

Where should the Catholic Mass be held?

Canon Law specifies that Mass must be held in a sacred place, i.e. a consecrated Church or oratory. It it is has not been consecrated, Mass may not be celebrated until it is. If for some reason a Mass needs to be held outside a Church or oratory, then the Bishop's permission must be received- for each single instance.

Can a Catholic funeral be held on Holy Saturday?

No, Catholic weddings and funerals can not be held during the Easter Triduum. Both of these services include a Mass and no Masses are held in the Church from the end of the Holy Thursday Mass until the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday.

Is congregation a meeting held to and reform to catholic practices?

No. Congregation is the group of people that meet at Church for Mass.

Does the Roman Catholic Church allow cremation?

There are no cremation rites. If a cremation takes place before the funeral mass takes place, the ashes of the individual may be present at the church for the mass. The Church much prefers that a funeral be held before cremation.

Where is the mass located?

What Mass? If you are talking about a "Church" mass, then it would be located in a Church or Chapel.

How are Methodist services held?

Well, I have been to one (1) Methodist church for a church service, and Methodist church services are held similar to the way that Lutheran church services are held.

What does people in Mexico do in churchs?

Have you ever been to a church? Precisely that: to held mass and other religion-based activities, such as weddings, baptisms and funerals.

What is the attending the service of the receiving of the body into Church?

You must be referring to a Catholic funeral where a brief rite is held at the door of the church when the priest receives the casket containing the deceased at the beginning of a funeral Mass. He then leads the procession to the front of the church.

Why do Catholics not need a place for worship?

While a dedicated Church building is preferable, Mass can be held anywhere - in a home, gymnasium, even in a park or cemetery.

Where does canon law state the body must be during a Catholic funeral mass?

On entering the church, and closed coffin ( this is the funeral mass, not a wake or viewing, held earlier) the Coffin enters the church, fore and aft ( front and back) the principal mourner immediately follows the burial vessel- I held this office, so to speak at my mother's funeral mass, then relatives in accordance to relation to the family etc. The coffin goes down the center aisle of the church and is usually placed fore-and-aft again, on the altar structure, usually covered.

Why did monks sing in latin?

Until the Second Vatican Counsel (commonly referred to as "Vatican II") that was held in the early 1960s, Catholic mass was always held in Latin to preserve the original Roman traditions. After Vatican II was concluced in December 1965, the Catholic Church decided that mass would be held in the local vernacular instead of in Latin.