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Q: Where is concretion from?
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Glycoprotein spherical bodies that appear as hardened masses in the lumen of the saccular secretory tubule of the prostate

A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals?


What does the literary trope concretion mean?

The literary trope of concretion involves representing abstract concepts or ideas in a tangible or concrete form. It seeks to make the intangible more concrete and tangible for the reader through vivid and sensory descriptions.

What is a type of concrete?

A concretion is a rock formed from sedimentary processes; therefore, it is a sedimentary rock.

Is calculus a name for a straight line?

No. Calculus is a branch of mathematics. Or a concretion of minerals - often in the kidney.

What is biliary calculosis?

an abnormal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring within the animal body

What does The nebular model explain.?

The creation of stars and planets into solar systems by condensation, concretion, and gravitational collapse.

What is the medical term meaning hard deposit formed in the gallbladder and bile ducts due to concretion of bile components?

That is called a gallstone.

What word is a calculus concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals formerly regarded as a poison antidote?

Bezoar"-: " size="+1" color="#FFFFFF" face="TimesRoman">Bezoar ==

What is concretion of the prostate?

Concretions are calcified secretions seen in the glandular lumens of older men.

Are moon stone and pearl are different?

Yes. A pearl is a solid concretion of calcium carbonate produced by an oyster. Moonstone is a form of alkali feldspar, which forms from the cooling of molten rock beneath the Earth's surface.