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Q: Where is fat chemically and mechanically digested?
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What must happen to fat before it can be chemically digested?

Fats must be emulsified (broken down into small droplets) by bile in the duodenum before they can be digested.

What are three ways sedimentary rocks can form?

Biologically, Chemically and Mechanically.

What is chemically digested in the stomach?


Are sedimentary rocks chemically weathered?

Sedimentary rocks can be both chemically and mechanically weathered.

What is happening to the food inside the stomach?

Your food enters through your mouth and you start chemically and mechanically breaking down your food. Then your food goes down your esophagus with peristalsis. When your food enters your stomach, it is again chemically and mechanically digested. Then your food goes down your small intestine where the minerals and nutrients are taken out. When your food enters the large intestine the water is taken from it. Then it exits out of your anus.

Does energy have to be used up immediately?

no it doesn't it can be stored in fat or lipids and saved for later

Can igneous rock be destroyed?

Yes, they can be eroded chemically and mechanically.

How can a combination of several substances be separated?

Mechanically, chemically, or electrically.

What do digested proteins chemically breakdown into?

Amino Acid

What is the first nutrient to be chemically digested?

It is starch! I think

Is the anus chemical or physical digestion?

Whatever matter reaches the anus is at the end of the road as far as digestion is concerned and the anus is more concerned with excretion. The food is mechanically digested in the mouth by the teeth and tongue and chemically digested there by your saliva. It is then mechanically digested in the stomach where it's contents are mixed together with muscular contractions and chemically digested with hydrochloric acid and pepsin, etc. It is then moved to the small intestine where other things are added like pancreatic enzymes and bile, where some mechanical digestion takes place when peristalsis occurs that moves the matter through the alimentary canal, but mostly here it is chemically digested. The large intestine mainly removes excess water from the matter and helps to form solid matter for excretion. It is retained in the rectum until the sphincter muscles in the anus relax and allow for the passage of the stool. If anything though, it would be mechanical.