

Where is flora in professor layton and the specters flute?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute is set three years before Layton and Luke have their adventure in St. Mystere, so Flora is still living there with her father. Flora is replaced by Emmy, Layton's new assistant. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future was her last appearance in the video game series.

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Q: Where is flora in professor layton and the specters flute?
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If Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute is Released in America and the UK, ( lets hope it is), The next game will be Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle. Luckily, whatever happens with the specters flute, it has already been confirmed that the Mask of Miracle will be released in the US and UK.

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yes there will be! its called professor Layton: mask of miracle (3ds) although japan also has Layton: specters flute, but that's not confirmed for Australia yet

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Luke is Professor Layton's apprentice. He could be related by a nephew or something, but I'm not sure of that theory.

What are the names of the Professor Layton games?

In chronological order: Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute/ Devil's Flute Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (MOVIE) Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (only for 3DS) Professor Layton and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Professor Layton and the Lost Future/ Unwound Future In order the games/movies came out (in UK): Professor Layton and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Professor Layton and the Lost Future/ Unwound Future Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (MOVIE) Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute/ Devil's Flute Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (only for 3DS) There is also a crossover game that might be coming out where Level-5 (for Professor Layton) and Capcom (for Ace Attorney) join forces in Professor Layton VS. Ace Attorney (this game is only for 3DS). Hope this helped, and happy puzzle solving! :)

Will Professor Layton and the Specters Flute be on the Nintendo Ds?

Yes it was realsed in japan in 2009 so probaby be released in the UK in 2011 2 years later. not sure about usa though . soz <3

Are Professor Layton and Luke brothers?

No, they're not even related. To see why watch videos from Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute.

When is professor layton and the specter's flute being released?


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When is the fourth Professor Layton game going to be released?

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Flute, 4th Edition. there is No Release date as of yet.

What is the name of Professor Layton seven?

I think-you are way ahead of yourself. We have got the Titles for Professor Layton 3, The Unwound Future. Plus, Professor Layton 4, The Spectre's Flute, sorry do not have the name or indeed any details of professor Layton 7.

When does Professor Layton and the Spectors Flute come out in the US?

There hasn't been an official release date set for the 4th Professor Layton mainly because there isn't even a 3rd yet. IF they decide that Professor Layton 2 sold well enough to release the 3rd game in the US, and if THAT game is successful enough, then we can expect the 4th Professor Layton in the US No that is not true. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future has come out, but I don't know if Professor Layton and the Spector's Flute will come out or when if it does come out. Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute is most likely going to be released during mid to end of 2011. I'd say around September or so, we shoud be looking for the release of this game.