

Where is poop invented?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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It all started with a young girl named Mary...

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Mary Meihofer

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4y ago
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Q: Where is poop invented?
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Who invented the word poop?

No one really knows who invented the word poop. It is just there like any other word.

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Why is poop invented?

Poop was invented so we can reproduce. Without our reproduction system, we would be all stacked with poop inside our body. Then we would have no blood. Without any blood, we wouldn't live, cause our body needs to circulate with out blood.

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It originally referred to a ship, in terms of poop deck or poop cabin, normally (the poop cabin was a hole in the boat) at the back of the ship. If there was no bucket, you'd have to pull down your drawers and defecate at the side of the ship.

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How did poop start?

Man has been pooping ever since they were first created billions of years ago. The after the first men ate their equivalent to our burritos and coffee, they had to release their bowels. So man pooped. This relieved any further uncomfortableness until they had to poop again. Thus pooping was born. Over time Europeans invented plumbing systems to help pump the poop away from society for a more cleaner city.