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No, positive feedback is rare, compared to negative feedback. This is because negative feedback is a self regulating cycle, so think of the regulation of heartbeats, breathing and amount of erythrocytes in the blood. The reason positive feedback doesn't occur that often is because it is not self regulating, the action of the cycle carry's on with the system. An example would be hypothermia. When your body goes below 37 degrees C, you will start to shiver to work up, if this does not work, your metabolic processes will start to slow down, you will become sleep, lethargic and lacking of energy, hence making it extremely difficult to bring heat back into the system to warm it up. Thus, the positive feedback can be a destructive mechanism. The easiest way to sum it up is that negative feedback is common as it tries to put a system back to its original equilibrium, positive feedback is rare because it is trying to make a new point for equilibrium. Hope this helps.

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9y ago

Positive feedback an occur in the body but it is much more rare than negative feedback. Some examples are blood clotting, lactation, uterine contractions during childbirth, and ovulation.

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13y ago

When blood cells are creating a blood clot.

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