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Q: Where is pre school in markham at mount joy for 18 months baby?
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Where may one buy a baby basket in Markham?

A baby basket in Markham can be bought at the local supermarket or wholesaler. If you have an internet connection, you can just order one online as well.

Does your baby go to school when its about 5 on baby pals?

i dont think so the oldest it gets is 14 months

Where does your baby on babydow go to school?

There isn't a school but your baby can go to other places like reception when your baby is only 2 months old. When you click on my babies there is a tab at the top next in full growth and next to it is in school which means there in school. If you think its a good answer thanks. :) other answerer:actually you can go to school ive seen it im not sure when though

How old does a baby have to be to go in nursery?

they have to be 9 months old Or if they are attending real school then they have to be 4 years old or 3.

How many months is Beyonce baby?

beyonce baby is 8 or 10 months

How many months do you have to be to determine the sex of the baby?

the sex of the baby is determined at six months

How do you get your sim baby in school?

You cant get your baby in school, but , you can get your child in school!

How old can a baby be?

12 months to 32 months

When you got your friend pregnant on Aug 23 when should the baby be here?

about 2 months from the time you figure out that a woman carries a baby for 9 months;) about 2 months from the time you figure out that a woman carries a baby for 9 months;)

How many months until a baby is ready to be born?

The baby grows in the mother's womb for nine months before it is ready to be born.

What is the average cost of a months of baby food for a 9 month old baby?

The average cost of 9 months of baby food is about $400 dollars

At how many months is it really ok to have your baby?

9 months