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some where in this world

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Q: Where is solar energy currently being used successfully?
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Where is solar energy currently?

Solar energy is got from the sun.

What is Solar Energy currently used for?

Solar Energy is currently used for several things like, car and stuff. Yeah

Where is solar energy currently used?


Is solar energy used in the US?

Solar energy is being used in the United States, but there are very few places that use them at all. It is currently rare to see solar panel farms in the Unites States, but the United States does use them.

How common source of solar energy used in the U.S?

The ammount of solar energy used in America is currently at 23%.

Is there an air conditioner that runs on solar energy?

There are no air conditioner's here currently available that run only on solar energy.

Is solar energy currently being used?

Yes, in many places. See Wikipedia 1. List of solar thermal power stations 2. Photovoltaic power stations

How much solar energy is currently supplied to the US?

me no sabe

Can solar energy be changed into thermal energy without any work being done?

YesIt is true that solar energy can be changed into thermal energy without any work being done. The solar energy is thermal energy from the sun.

Renewable energy sources currently being used considered to be unable to meet your total energy needs?

One of the most commonly used renewable energy is the solar energy. Others include windmill energy and energy from animal wastes.

What are the disadvantages for using solar energy to generate electricity?

It is currently the most expensive major energy technology.It is currently the most expensive major energy technology.

Does the government currently provide support for solar energy development?

Yes and has many solar plants in the U.S