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Q: Where is some irony in storm breaker?
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What are some examples of irony from movies?

examples of situational irony: the 6th sense, titanic, shallow hal

How is irony in both the innocents abroad and a room with a view?

How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?How is irony used in “The Innocents Abroad”?

What figure of speech is what a pity?


As clear as mud is what figure of speech?

. Simile

What are some examples of irony in The Dear Departed by Stanley Houghton?

the grand father was not dear to anyone they only wanted his property they also curse him for not paying his insurance premium and he is also not dead to be departed this is the irony of the lesson

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What is the storm breaker code for Free Realms?

The storm-breaker is not a code item, you but it with SC

What are the release dates for The Storm Breaker - 1925?

The Storm Breaker - 1925 was released on: USA: 25 October 1925

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What is the irony and symbol of the short story The Storm?

The irony in "The Storm" is that the adulterous affair between the main characters occurs during a literal storm, reflecting the emotional turmoil and passion of their forbidden relationship. The storm symbolizes the hidden desires and intensity of their love that cannot be openly expressed in their society.

Who is the aurthor of storm breaker?

Anthony Horowitz.

What car is in the film storm breaker?

Mitsubishi 3000GT

In Free Realms what is the cheat code for the sword storm breaker?

The storm breaker sword is not a cheat code, it is an SC item. you need to buy it with real money. Sorry!

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What dramatic irony in the perfect storm?

One example of dramatic irony in "The Perfect Storm" is when the audience knows that the fishing crew is heading towards a dangerous storm, but the crew members are unaware of the severity of the situation. This creates tension and suspense as the viewers watch the impending disaster unfold.

What are the 3 examples of Irony?

Situational irony: A fire station burns down. Verbal irony: Saying "What a beautiful day!" in the midst of a storm. Dramatic irony: The audience knows a character's fate, but the character does not.

Are there going to make a movie of Anthony horowitz alex rider adventures?

There already is a movie storm breaker.

How many pages are in the book storm breaker?

The book "Stormbreaker" by Anthony Horowitz has 234 pages.