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Q: Where is south Asia on map?
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In Asia, south of Russia and west of China.

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To the south east of Asia, next to New Zealand, in the Pacific Ocean.

Where is Pakistan situated on a world map?

Pakistan is located between certain regions of South Asia, Central Asia and the greater Middle East.

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Yes. Sri lanka is an Asian country and to be more specific its in South Asia. this is a map of asia.

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This depends upon exactly where in Asia and Africa you are asking about, but in general you need to head west and possibly south to get to Africa from Asia.

Show me a map where Asia is?

yes i want see map asia

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The seven continents on the map of the world are: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America. These continents are large, continuous landmasses that make up the Earth's surface.

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Singapore is often termed as the little red dot on the world map. The reason being is that its so small that its like a little red dot on the map. Its location is just below Malaysia, at the meeting point of Indian Ocean and the South China sea.

Is Asia west east south or north?

the answer is north because I checked my work and if you look on a map you can see that the answer is north

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Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Malaysia, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), and Cambodia. Think about China on the map and go directly south.

Where on a world map is Pakistan?

Pakistan is located in the Middle East surrounded by India, Iran, and Afghanistan.

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Southern and South-eastern