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A car is not a good place to be. If a tornado is coming leave the vehicle and go to a sturdy building with a basement or to a storm shelter. If you are in the open and the tornado is still distant try to drive perpendicular or diagonal to its path (depending on what the road allows) to get out of its way. If the tornado is drawing near abandon the vehicle and lie in a ditch or depression.

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Q: Where is the Best Place to be if you are in your Car During a Tornado?
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Is a car a safe place during a tornado?

It is not.Go to your basement.

Should people leave their cars and seek the best shelter during a tornado?

Yes. It doesn't take a very strong tornado to lift or overturn a car. Such an event is potentially fatal to anyone in the car.

Where is the safest place to be in a car when a tornado takes place?

You should not be in the car. A car is a dangerous place to be if there is a tornado. If a tornado is coming, dry to get out of its path by driving at a right angle to its motion, or at least as close to one as the roads will allow. If you are unsure of your ability to escape, get out of the car and lie in a ditch or depression.

People should leave their cars and seek the best available shelter during a tornado?

If there's is a tornado and you are in your car then you should leave and search for the best available shelter. Usually that would be a ditch on the side of the road.

Is it too dangerous to drive in a tornado?

Yes. You are safer inside a sturdy building than in a car. A tornado does not have to be very strong to lift or roll a car. A car is provably the worst place to be in a tornado after a mobile home.

What is the best place to hide during a tornado?

Get to a basement or storm cellar if possible. If underground shelter is unavailable then a central room or closet (especially a bathroom) is the next best option. If caught in the open or in a car with no shelter available lie in a ditch, do not get under a bridge and do not stay in the vehicle.

What are the best places to be to protect yourself from a tornado?

Usually the best place would be a basement or some sort of secure underground bunker. Best if: underground, and solid so say a car could drive or fall on it.

Is it safe to be in your car in the garage during a tornado?

No. It doesn't take a very strong tornado to pick up or flip a car. If you are in a car and a tornado is coming you should go to the nearest sturdy building or underground shelter. If no shelter is nearby get out of the car and lie in a ditch or depression.

Is it safe to be in an automobile during a tornado?

Generally not. If a tornado is closing in on you a car is one of the most dangerous places to be. If you are in a car and a tornado is coming close get out of it and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no such shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression.

What is the safest thing to do if you are in a car during a tornado?

The best thing to do is abandon the car and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression. Do NOT seek shelter under a bridge.

Where is the Best place to put car seat?

In the back row of your car is the best place.

Where is the best place to buy a car?

the best place to buy a car i guess is at a place were people normally get cars.