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Q: Where is the Boss key in the water Where is the Boss key in the?
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How do you empty the water temple to get a missed key on the second floor which is the last one before the boss key?

You can't drain the water, but you can dive down to it and put on the iron boots. Then you can just get the key underwater.

How do You get the big key for lake bed temple?

You go to the room above it. There's a part in the water in that room to blow up, but not in the room with the boss key.

Do you use the ghost key for the ice temple boss Zelda phantom hourglass?

no u use a boss key

Where do you get the boss key to get to the boss in the temple of time in Zelda twilight princess?

it's where the spin thing is The boss key is in the room where there is water under u. U will see the chest with windmill like things around it and a wooden gate. Look on the ground to see a pathway. Use the gale boomerang and blow the windmills in the exact order of the path to open the gate and get the boss key.

How do you get the boss key on legen of Zelda?

The boss key can be acquired in several different ways but usually you will acquire it in a chest. If not this method then you usually must defeat a mini boss.

On Zelda how do you get the boss key in the b1 in the goron temple?

In certain parts of the dungoen there will be rooms with goron elders inside, talk to them and they will give you boss key shards. talk to all three elders to complete the boss key

How do you find the boss templein the lakebed temple Zelda twilight?

If you want to find the BOSS for the Lakebed Temple on Twilight Princess, you have to get the BIG KEY and then go to the room with the giant swiveling staircase, and just jump into the water. The BOSS DOOR is level with the water surface under the swiveling staircase. This BOSS is the coolest one so far. -Caveman1593

What to do to open the door to the fire temple in Zelda?

you have to blow to enter and for boss you have to get boss key

Who is the boss of New Zealand?

john key

Who is an Mps boss?

john key lol

Where is the boss key in Twilight Princess to get to gGanondorf?

When you are about to go to the third floor instead of going there go straight. You will fight a dragon. There in a cage is the boss key.

Who is the Water temple boss?

The water temple's boss is Morphia, an eye with tentacles made of water.