The phone number of the Dover Branch Library is: 479-331-2173.
The address of the Dover Town Library is: 56 Dedham St., Dover, 02030 2214
The address of the Dover Public Library is: 45 South State Street, Dover, 19901 7390
The address of the Talbot County Free Library - Easton Branch is: 100 W. Dover St., Easton, 21601 2620
The address of the Dover Area Community Library is: 3700-3 Davidsburg Road, Dover, 17315 4655
The address of the Dover Free Public Library is: 32 E. Clinton Street, Dover, 07801 3953
The address of the Dover Plains Library is: 1797 Route 22, Wingdale, 12594 1444
The address of the Stewart County Public Library is: 102 Natcor Drive, Dover, 37058 3220
The address of the Thompson Free Library is: 186 East Main St., Dover-Foxcroft, 04426 1374
The Bethune Branch Library is located in Bethune, South Carolina.
The Castroville Branch Library is located at 11160 Speegleville Road in Castroville, Texas.
The phone number of the Dover Town Library is: 508-785-8113.