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The stratum corneum is a part of the layer of skin called the epidermis.

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9y ago

The stratum corneum is the outer layer of the epidermis.

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9y ago

The epidermis contains the stratum corneum.

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Q: Where is the Stratum corneum of the skin?
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Is stratum corneum the foundation of the skin?

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the skin. It is not the foundational layer of the skin.

What skin layer accounts for most of the epidermis?

stratum corneum

Which of the epidermis is most superficial?

The Stratum Corneum is the most superficial layer of the Skin.

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the startum corneum

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The stratum corneum is the tough outer layer of the skin.

Is the outermost layer of the epidermis the stratum basale and the innermost layer the stratum corneum?

The stratum basale and the stratum corneum are two of the layers of the epidermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of your skin. Within the epidermis, the stratum basale is deeper than the stratum corneum, which is the most superficial layer of the epidermis.

The Stratum Corneum sits deep to the Stratum Basale?

The stratum corneum is superficial to the stratum basale. The stratum basale is deep to the stratum corneum.

What layer of the skin is seen best in thick skin?

stratum corneum

Is hemoglobin found predominantly in the stratum corneum?

No, hemoglobin is found predominantly in blood. The stratum corneum is avascular, and hemoglobin is not predominant in this skin layer.

What are the skin layers from inside to outside?

Stratum Corneum Stratum Lucidum Stratum Granulsum Stratum Spinosum Stratun Basle